Are Disney films a tad bit too white?

Representation of race in Hollywood films has changed quite a lot over time but changes in movie industry are much slower to come about than in society in general. Legally, minorities got the same rights as white people in 1964 already and in many states these so-called minorities are no longer that at all, you can see that it is white people’s numbers instead that seem to be decreasing. However, on the silver screen, racial balance is very far off from what we can see in real life.

Liiga valge Disney

Seaduse ees said vähemused USAs valgetega samad õigused juba 1964. aastal ning paljudes osariikides ei ole enam sugugi tegu vähemustega, kohati on just valge nahavärviga inimesed need, keda üha vähemaks jääb. Kinolinal seevastu on endiselt näitlejate rassikooslus rahvastiku tegeliku jaotusega ebakõlas. Viis, kuidas eri rasse filmides kujutatakse, mõjutab suuresti nii seda, kuidas valged teiste rasside esindajaid tajuvad, kui ka vähemusrahvuste minapilti.