5 tulemust otsingule Vladimir Ljadov

Fotoprojekt „Kaubanduslik Lasnamäe” viib keldriäride õitseaega
See projekt dokumenteerib aega, mil kõik üritasid ajada oma väikest äri. Ettevõtjad teenisid raha keldrikauplust pidades ja korteriühistud teenisid raha nendelt üüri küsides.

Commercial Lasnamäe
After the fall of the Soviet Union, commercial shops in the basements of multi-story buildings started to appear in Estonia. Though time has passed, passers are still greeted with massive doors and signs with very clear key messages: groceries, shoemaker, hairdresser... Together, they are subtly reflecting the realities of that time.

Interview: Ndioba Gueye
Ndioba Gueye says that happiness is the key to any situation. Last time I saw him on stage, he was pulling tremendous bass solos, but that has changed now. He says that now he makes music for people and not for musicians. I spoke to Ndioba about his new album, its presentation in Estonia and about his favourite collaborations.

Interview: Thomas Ankersmit
Thomas Ankersmit is an experimental musician and installation artist who lives in Berlin. During his last visit to Tallinn in 2011 within the framework of Tuned City festival, we managed to speak with Thomas about electro-acoustic music, sound constructions and why is Tallinn attractive to sound artists.

Interview: C.A.R.T
Drum & Bass music in Estonia doesn’t get huge hype and is only concentrated around small underground groups of music goers. In this very case Denmark was a twin sister to Estonia only four years ago, right to the point C.A.R.T crew was established and started its magic. 2 DJ’s and 2 MC’s started playing every Thursday night on Christiania Radio, right in the heart of Copenhagen’s small, but noble place - Freetown Christiania.