3 tulemust otsingule Juhan Teppart

7. november 2013
Review: Milo – things that happen at day / things that happen at night (Hellfyre Club, 2013)
The first time I heard Milo, I felt the same kind of elation that I felt for the debut album by The Streets – the freshness of the new and unknown, plus that special something that makes you want to listen to it again after the initial excitement wanes. However, unlike Mike Skinner, Milo's follow up to his debut (I Wish My Brother Rob Was Here), is still interesting and engaging.

6. juuni 2013
Plaadiarvustus: Milo – things that happen at day / things that happen at night (Hellfyre Club, 2013)
Esimest korda Milot kuulama sattudes tabas mind sarnane vaimustus nagu kunagi The Streetsi debüütalbumi puhul: tundmatu ja uue värskus pluss see salapärane miski, mis värskuse väsides alles jääb ja taas kuulama kutsub.

14. detsember 2012
Plaadiarvustus: rasKatarsis ‒ Sketches for Ghosts (2012)
Kahemehekollektiiv rasKatarsis (Urmo Mets ja Lauri Eltermaa) tähistas albumi ilmumist kiiduväärt moel: lisaks installatsioonile ja...