6 tulemust otsingule Mattias Malk
Mattias Malk: Tehased, väärtused ja tehislik väärtus
Tallinna populaarseks muutunud endistel tööstusaladel käib võitlus sealsete elanike ja öiste pidutsejate vahel. Müraprobleemi lahendamisele aitaks tulevikus kaasa ühtlaselt heal tasemel avaliku ruumi loomine kogu linnas.
Ühe müra on teise melu
Selleks et klaarida müravaidlusi, mille ühel poolel seisavad kontserdikohad ja klubid ning teisel nende naabrid, on võetud mujal maailmas appi agent of change’i põhimõte. Kas sellest oleks kasu ka Eestis ja mis lahendusi see pakuks?
Zaha Hadidi Tallinn
Viimase paari aasta jooksul on Zaha Hadid Architects võitnud Tallinnas kaks tähtsat arhitektuurivõistlust: Vanasadama arendusplaani ja Rail Balticu Tallinna lõppjaama konkursi. See tähendab, et Eesti saab endale oma esimese „staararhitektuuri”. Kuidas see nii läks ja kas meil on seda tarvis?
A lot in little. Contemporary jewellery in Latvia.
Forget felt brooches and woven wristbands — in Latvia, jewellery design is an active creative industry in which talented artists work with gold and silver, diamonds and pearls, nylon and silk. Mastery and an unconventional outlook have brought these authors recognition and wearer’s appreciation.
Lokal Boards — boards with style
This June saw the opening of a concept store named Lokal House that sells longboards designed by Lokal Boards. The authors of the brand are three creative and like–minded people with an ambition to promote Latvian street culture and become renowned outside an already wide circle of their friends and followers.
Bicycle. Made in Latvia.
This has been the second year a Latvian enterprise “Ērenpreiss Original” took part in the world’s biggest bicycle trade exhibition “Eurobike” in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Although the loudest, it is not the sole name in Latvian bicycle and their accessory manufacturing. Veronika Viļuma offers a look at already known as well as less famous players in the field.