Mõned asjad „võinuks minna ka teisiti”

See on lugu kolmest pehmeid teadusi õppivast üliõpilasest, kes töötavad baaris. Jari, Semele ja Tikk. Näitlejate pärisnimed hakkavadki näidendis sees olema, tegelaskujud on aga ikkagi fiktsioon. Lavastatud seigad on insipreeritud Eesti Päevalehes ilmunud humanitaaride arvamuslugude sarjast. Müürileht pakub oma lugejaile väikest seniavaldamata katkendit antud lavastuse tekstist.

Interview: C.A.R.T

Drum & Bass music in Estonia doesn’t get huge hype and is only concentrated around small underground groups of music goers. In this very case Denmark was a twin sister to Estonia only four years ago, right to the point C.A.R.T crew was established and started its magic. 2 DJ’s and 2 MC’s started playing every Thursday night on Christiania Radio, right in the heart of Copenhagen’s small, but noble place - Freetown Christiania.

Prince Rama – frolickly apocalyptic

Wader mananged to chat with Brooklyn-based Prince Rama, a duo of sisters Taraka and Nimai Larson whose latest album Top 10 Hits of the End of the World, released by Animal Collective´s Paw Tracks imprint, has the duo performing as "10 different pop bands that died during the apocalypse, channeling the ghosts of each one to perform the various songs".

Radio Karlova 36th Show

Radio Karlova is an independent radio station from Estonia run by Robert Laursoo - a music lover, DJ and pharmacist. Once in every two weeks Karlova Radio brings best vibes and sweet melodies to the listeners souls. This week the 36th show is recorded by well-known Estonian hip hop DJ Lauri Täht. Soft beats, jazzy and hiphopish vibes makes the spring come easy.

Karlova Raadio 36. saade

Kolmekümne kuuenda Karlova Raadio saate võttis oma koduses hubasuses linti Lauri Täht. Mahedate biitidega jazzi ja hiphopi radadel, paneb Lauri viimasedki jäised purikad kevadiselt sulama.