5 min

New animation: Roland Seer

Roland Seer (25) is a young and promising film director. Born in Otepää, he studied in Tartu and in the legendary Danish Animation Workshop; he currently lives in Denmark where he is still learning new things and perfecting his skills.

1 min

New Estonian Niche Media

Estonian web media has recently welcomed a number of remarkably cool small and niche outlets. Here we would like to draw attention to two that are the most fresh and interesting.

3 min

Kui hea raamat!

Kiltmaine lava voore harjakul, mille üle too tee vööndus, avas voorirahvale sobiva väljaku laagerdamiseks. Sinna oli tekkinud tuleasemeid ja muldurbeid. Eeslid olid pudendanud sõnnikut päikesepleekele ja inimesed mesistanud selle pinda oma kullapanustega. (lk 5) Saage tuttavaks – Karl Rumori romaan „Krutsifiks”, meistriteos eikuhugi viivast ekstaasist.

4 min

Maria Arusoo Opens the Doors to her Wardrobe

Since I don't verbalize the contents of my wardrobe everyday, at first it was quite difficult to answer the question whether I have something there that's especially meaningful. So I took the easy way out and literally opened the doors to my wardrobe to see what's going on in there.

9 min

Interview: Expedition Avi

Those who keep thorough tabs on Estonian music scene, know Mart Avi from paranoic indie-rock group Badass Yuki and Stones & Holes. Here among other things we talked about polar expeditions, collecting precious stones and Gavi di Gavi wine. We also asked Mart Avi to let us in on what's behind his recent solo debut After Hours, released under the label Porridge Bullet.

4 min

Uus eesti animatsioon: Roland Seer

Roland Seer (25) on noor ja lootustandev režissöör – ta on sündinud Otepääl, õppinud Tartus ja täiendanud end Taanis legendaarses Animation Workshopis ning resideerub seal praegugi, et end uute oskustega täiendada ja vilumust lihvida. Uurisime, mis masti mehega on tegu.